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Forgot Your Book? – Read FOLKLIFE Magazine!

Imagine that after a ferry through the Salish Sea, you arrive on the tranquil shores of Salt Spring Island, ready to relax and soak up the literary and creative vibes. But…you’ve forgotten the new great Canadian novel you were reading. Allow us to suggest an alternative – while you unwind in your suite or on our terrace, dip into the salty pages of FOLKLIFE magazine.


Published on Salt Spring, FOLKLIFE features stories, recipes, interviews, poetry, and artwork celebrating the vibrant, grass-roots creators of the Gulf Islands. With its matte aesthetic and vibrant photography, each issue is a work of art in and of itself. It is truly a treat to savour the pages of this book, “inspired by those who live close to the earth, with intention and creativity.”


The magazine’s motto is slow the folk down! You may find that even a short trip to Salt Spring infuses you with a desire to tune into the rhythms of nature and carry mindful moments forward with you into your daily life wherever you reside.


Why not take a piece of island life back with you – we carry a selection of brilliant issues of FOLKLIFE at our Reception giftshop.

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